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Breezy Frankincense Cone scent incense Aroma cone

Regular price
RM 39.00
Sale price
RM 39.00
Regular price
RM 39.00
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Frankincense Cone Incense

1 box containing 25 pieces with

Plus a little elephant as a base for testing inside, random colors

1 piece can be ignited for up to 20 minutes, not harmful to the body. There is a mixture of white sandalwood pressed into shape and impregnated with scent.

There are 6 scents as of now.

- lemongrass

- White tea

- Red tea

- olive tree olive

- Tobacco mixed with Orange Tabacco & Orange

- Lemon mixed with Mint Lemon & Mint

Frankincense from the shop is made from white sandal wood. which is not a risk to the respiratory system, does not harm the human body system, does not contain chemistry

  help relax Because the incense from the shop does not contain chemical smoke suppressants. Therefore, the frankincense from the shop still smokes like wood when burning in general.

  Therefore recommend customers to A breezy incense burner in the open air would be more appropriate. And frankincense is less likely to catch fire than incense. due to point time incense can not Falling down in a wide range and can be a good gift.