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Phutawan Aroma Roller Essential Oil 8ml

Regular price
RM 39.00
Sale price
RM 39.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
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Authentic products | THAIBRAND.CO
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Turn your feelings and emotions into good times. With the aroma from various plants designed as an Aroma Roller that makes life easier with a relaxing touch of nature. and fulfill happiness in every moment Choose your favorite scent and easily add moo to yourself

carefully selected, mixed together to add freshness Breathe more easily. #Reduce runny nose, flu too.

#How to use it...it's easy Roll the perfume roller all the way down to the skin.

Whether it's arms, palms, nape of the neck, temples, or rolling over to a handkerchief or tissue, you can use it to smell as well.