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Smell Lemongrass

SLG Lavender Mosquito Spray

Regular price
RM 26.00
Sale price
RM 26.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
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Authentic products | THAIBRAND.CO
Authentic products

- Helps repel mosquitoes and pests.

- Performance lasts 5 hours.

- Ingredients from real herbs

- Free from parabens

- Chemical free (NO DEET)

- Gentle on the skin not sticky

- Easy to spray, easy to carry

- Convenient to use anytime, anywhere, suitable for every family

Usage: can be used every day Spray on body or clothing to repel mosquitoes and insects.

Product life: 2 years from the production date

Citronella Mosquito Repellent Liquid Spray

Most effective natural ingredients.

Safe for Kids & Adults. Gently protect yourself

and your children with citronella smell. It repels

mosquito and small insects away from you and

your family.